Clients often mention that they have itchy ear canals. This is fairly common and there are a number of soothing ear drops you can use to remedy the itch, but different causes will require a specific treatment. Read on for helpful information you can use to assess what kind of itchy ears you have and what can be done to alleviate it.
Ear Wax
If your ear canal makes excessive wax this can cause itchiness or irritation. Ear wax can safely be removed by any of our Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialists (BC-HIS). Your doctor can also safely remove ear wax at their office.
Using Q-Tips
We do not advocate for the use of Q-Tips for cleaning ear canals. Many people have injured their own ear drums by accident, which can lead to infections or hearing loss. Q-Tips may also be removing your natural wax barrier that keeps the skin in the ear canal moisturized, causing itchiness. It is safe to use a drop of olive oil on a cotton ball at the entrance of your ear canal to help replenish moisture.
Skin Issues
Psoriasis and eczema are two conditions that cause skin to be itchy. Signs of either may be scaling, very dry skin in or around the ear, or cracking skin. These conditions need to be treated medically by your doctor.
Some people report itchy ears occur alongside seasonal allergies. Ask your doctor if anti-histamines will help.
Fungal Ear Infections
These are commonly caused by hot, humid environments or swimming on a regular basis. Water carries fungal contaminants and if left to sit in the ear canal, it can allow the fungus to grow and irritate the ear. This type of condition needs to be treated by your doctor.
Hygiene Products
Shampoo, bubble bath, soap, hair dye and hairspray may have ingredients that are irritating the sensitive skin in your ears. Be sure to rinse out your ears with clean water and dry them very well afterwards with your pinky finger and a thin facecloth. The skin in your ears has it’s own natural pH level and it is important to keep the natural balance.
Our certified professionals offer safe, effective ear drop products to help soothe general itchiness in the ears. Be sure to ask about these products it the next time you are in their office.
Kim Ryll, BC-HIS
Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences
Registered Hearing Aid Practitioner